On the third days of 2nd Andre and Mia box was released. I can't resist the temptation and tried out my luck. I bought 1 Andre and 1 Mia box and was lucky enough I got the White Vent for the first Mia box, mUAHAha. Lady luck was with me, but that was about it when it came to luck. I open another 31 of Andre boxes until I get what I wanted T_T. I spent almost all the gold that suppose to be save for the month. Oh well.. money is there to spend, there's no used in saving ;D.
Out of the 31 Andre's box, I got 5 of this :
I thought it was cute :D. Will you :o?
When my last AA pass ran out, I decided not to start a new one until tomorrow. I don't want to see anymore Mudmen for the day. Forgive me, my love, but your face got boring after 3days on a row of staring at you *mooh >.<*. I wanted to level my Fabulous~ Andre instead, I need him to be Lvl84 in order to help the family craft some armor. As of now he's Lvl80 and 32%, YAY for the exp buff!
Before I head out for Fire Isle, I stopped by and visit Dios Lantem,but he was harsh on me and did this:
Dios : You can't get me nao! Rawr Rawr!
Amalielle : *close eyes and shoot*
Dios : *dies*
Dios : >:(
Amalielle : WHO IS THE BOMB NAO >:3! *loot Sandman Ring*
On the day I spammed 7000 Bellem's boxes, 21 of those are Vladimir Spinelle. I spammed them all at once on Gigante Beach... killed myself 5times before I scatter them far enough to take this screenie :P. Hope you like ;D
Andre is Lvl81 now, woot.. and I still feel very sleepy >.< ..ZzzzZzZzzzz~
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